Search Fertility Interval
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The recommended download choice is via the FERTILITIES view. FERTILITIES contains AnimId and StudyId columns (and another for BId) whereas FERTILITY has only a BId column.
Available data
- Demo data - downloadable .csv files
- FERTILITIES (recommended)
- Production data - requires VPN access
- FERTILITIES (recommended)

Column Definitions for Female Fertility Record Downloads
- Study/Species: the ID of the study. Because animals in a study are from a single species, the study also identifies the species.
- AnimID: the ID of each animal (typically an abbreviated code), which unambiguously identifies individuals within a study. Animals in different studies might have the same ID.
- Startdate and Stopdate: the start end end dates of an uninterrupted period of observation on a female during which no possible births would have been missed.
- Starttype and Stoptype: see Entrytype and Departype in BIOGRAPHY; these correspond to Starttype and Stoptype in FERTILITY.